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In 2018 -  The 12th iSTEAMS Conferences  held at -

The Ogun State Institute of Technology

Igbesa, Ogun State, Nigeria

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                 proceedings papers from the conference

Papers Published in the Proceedings of the  10th  iSTEAMS Multidisciplinary Conference held between the 12-14th September, 2018

at The  Ogun State Institute of Technology

Igbesa, Ogun State, Nigeria eria 

In 2018 -  The 11th iSTEAMS Conferences  held at  The Yaba College of Technology

Yaba, Lagos State, Nigeria

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                 proceedings papers from the conference

Papers Published in the Proceedings of the 

11th  iSTEAMS Multidisciplinary Conference

held between the 10th -12th June,  2018

at The  Yaba College of Technology

Yaba, Lagos  State, Nigeria

Papers Published in the Proceedings of the 

11th  iSTEAMS Multidisciplinary Conference

held between the 10th -12th June,  2018

at The  Yaba College of Technology

Yaba, Lagos  State, Nigeria

-  The Systems, Multidisciplinary & Advanced Research Techniques Interest Group

A Creative Research Networks Multidisciplinary Group


Reseach Nexus Africa 

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